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Writing is sleight of hand – or a con game, if you prefer – in which the author (with the readers’ permission) tricks the readers into believing the story they are reading is plausible, by placing a selection of correct, factual details into what remains a made-up narrative. Get the factual bits wrong, and you get caught while you switch cards or pull a rabbit from a hidden pocket.

In other words, fail your essential research, and your story won’t work.

The readers will snigger.

And nobody wants a sniggering audience.


Big name authors and big publishers have their research teams – but what about the small guy?

What about self-publishers and small presses?

What about game designers?

What about the tiny bit of info you need to spice up a short story?


That’s where we come in.


RE:CON is a small freelance operation.

A flexible, agile and cheap solution for writers in need of some quick fact checking for their work.


Need to know the color of the crime scene tape in Turkey?

… The basic workings of an atmospheric circulation system?

… Where you could get your shoes repaired in Shanghai, in 1936?

… What’s the actual name of that swingy-thingie they used in Egypt to haul water up from a well?


Drop us a line – we’ll work out a deal.


  • . holds a PhD in Geology, and has been a researcher and a lecturer in the field of Earth Sciences for fifteen years

  • . his specializations are Stratigraphy, Applied Micropaleontology, Ecological Modelling, Statistical Analysis of Environmental Data and Renewable Energies

  • is a published author of genre fiction (pulp adventure, fantasy and science fiction) and of non-fiction

  • is a member of the Horror Writers Association

  • as a game designer, he contributed scenarios, settings and tie-in fiction to a number of major brands

  • is a committed anglophile, an amateur orientalist and an armchair archeologist

  • is a history buff with a twin obsession for the Elizabethan era and the British Raj.

  • holds a Proficiency certificate for the Japanese language and is a university-trained orientalist

  • and is an aircraft engineering expert

  • as a musician, he has performed live in Italy and abroad for over ten years

  • he's been an event manager for concerts and art shows

  • has managed an online radio station

  • as a game designer, he contributed scenarios to a number of professional products

  • has a long-standing interest in Egyptology

  • is an amateur criminologist and as a hobby, he set up what is considered the best Italian-language website about Jack the Ripper

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